• Awais Amjad Malik SKMCH&RC
  • Syed Hasan Raza
  • Irfan-ul-Islam Nasir
  • M Fahd Shah Surgical Oncology SKMCH&RC
  • Tabinda Sadaf
  • Shahid Khattak Surgical Oncology SKMCH&RC
  • Aamir Ali Syed Surgical Oncology dept SKMCH&RC


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyse the outcome of salvage surgery in the management of anal canal cancer.

Methodology: All patients with a diagnosis of anal canal carcinoma from 2006 to 2015 were studied. Basic demographic data were recorded. Treatment modalities used were recorded for all patients. Long-term surgical outcomes were recorded. Median survival in months was recorded. All data were recorded in the SPSS ver. 20.

Results: A total of 62 patients were included in the study. Median age was 51. 38 patients had SCCa on histology and 24 had an adenocarcinoma. 52% of patients had a T4 lesion. Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) was offered to 59 (95%) patients as the first line of therapy. 12 (19%) patients had a complete response. 37 (60%) patients had a partial and 10 (16%) patients had no response to chemoradiation. Salvage surgery was offered to 27 patients. Of these, 21 had a curative resection. Six had irresectable disease and underwent a colostomy only. Median overall survival for all patients was 46 months with a 5-year survival of 55%. Patients with partial response who were offered salvage surgery the 5-year survival were 40%. For patients with no response or progressive disease after chemoradiation therapy, the 5-year survival was 20%.

Conclusion: Long-term survival can be achieved in majority of patients who undergo radical salvage surgery after failed CRT for carcinoma of the anal canal.

Key words: Adenocarcinoma, anal canal, chemoradiotherapy, surgery


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How to Cite
Malik AA, Raza SH, Nasir I- ul-I, Shah MF, Sadaf T, Khattak S, Syed AA. SALVAGE SURGERY FOR ANAL CANAL CA. LONG TERM OUTCOMES FROM A TERTIARY REFERRAL CENTRE. J Cancer Allied Spec [Internet]. 2017Apr.1 [cited 2025Feb.21];3(1). Available from:
Original Research Article