Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell disorder, characterised by bone marrow infiltration with clonal plasma cells; production of monoclonal immunoglobulin (paraprotein); end-organ damage; lytic lesions in the bones; renal impairment; hypercalcaemia and anaemia. Skeleton evaluation in MM is necessary not only for staging purposes but also to detect serious complications such as fractures. Skeletal survey is an established rst-line investigation for this purpose. However, in recent years, new imaging techniques such as whole-body magnetic resonance imaging and 2- uoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography computed tomography have been used widely. In this article, we review different imaging techniques used in MM and their impact on patient management.
Key words: Imaging techniques, magnetic resonance imaging, multiple myeloma, osteolytic lesions, positron emission tomography/computed tomography, skeletal survey
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