• Asghar H Asghar KIRAN, Karachi
  • Sadia Rizvi KIRAN, Karachi
  • Akhtar Ahmed KIRAN Karachi
  • Ahmed N Abbasi AKUH, Karachi
  • Abid Jamal Healthcare Hospital, Karachi
  • Javaid Mehboob KIRAN Karachi


A 40-year-old premenopausal female presented with foul-smelling per vaginal discharge for 3 months. Diagnostic work revealed a locally advanced primary malignant melanoma of uterine cervix. The patient declined pelvic surgery and was treated with Dacarbazine. Malignant melanoma is a rare tumour of skin and has been ranked in the top ve cancers of Australia and Sweden. It is a tumour of melanocytes which forms melanin pigment in the skin. In men, the most common site is trunk while in females common site is limbs. However, melanoma can arise from mucosal surfaces where the melanocytes are present. Most common mucosal sites are head and neck followed by female genital tract.

Key words: Cervix, dacarbazine, malignant melanoma 


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How to Cite
Asghar AH, Rizvi S, Ahmed A, Abbasi AN, Jamal A, Mehboob J. PRIMARY MALIGNANT MELANOMA UTERINE CERVIX. J Cancer Allied Spec [Internet]. 2016May5 [cited 2025Feb.21];2(1). Available from: